4 Important Life Lessons We Can Learn from Our Kids

We are often the ones teaching lessons to our kids, but who says that’s always the way things should be? In so many ways, children have more to teach us than we can possibly imagine.

Today we’re sharing four of the profound lessons we’ve learned from the kids in our lives and how they can help you see the world through fresh eyes.

Sometimes bigger (feelings) is better

Kids, in general, are so beautifully unafraid of their emotional expression. They cry when they want to cry, and show you the might of their anger when things don’t go the way they should. They feel their feelings with the pureness that they receive them, and because of this, they are able to feel them wholly.

Once they’ve gotten those big feelings out of the way, they can move on about their day with no residual disappointment or frustration from that incident.

When we feel our feelings for what they are by honoring the authentic depth of our reaction at that moment, we can experience and release them completely. There is a lot of power in letting go of the metric we are constantly grading ourselves on to determine if a situation is “worth” the feelings it’s brought up. So what if we just didn’t?

There’s some need to mediate that emotional release for circumstance—work probably isn’t the place to lose your cool about the tag on your shirt driving you to distraction all day. But there’s no need to determine whether that tag is worth the feeling it’s provoking.

This leads us directly into the second lesson we all really do need to spend more time with…

Little things really are big

We’re not just talking about stopping to smell the flowers, or counting the stars in the sky on a clear night. It’s the little things about your day, your mood, or the world around you. Challenge yourself to notice the things you smell and how they make you feel, the songs you hear that make you nod your head along to the beat, and the clothes that feel the most like you.

Take note of the world around you, and within you, even if it seems “simple”. The little things that make up our lives from moment to moment and day-to-day, and there’s so much value in that. The sights, sounds, scents, and feelings that make up your daily world become a huge part of your life. It’s worth letting them become a presence in your life, and kids with their particular awareness of such finite details bring this to the forefront in the most profound way.

Does it really matter if the dishes in the kitchen are stacked in rainbow order? It sure does, if it means something to you. Even if no one else will notice.

Sometimes sleep is the solution

Ever wish your boss would let you nod off at your desk when those 3 o’clock sleepies kick in? It’s probably bad workplace etiquette, but it would do wonders for office morale. Though children often resist naps and bedtimes, their sweet sleep-wrinkled cheeks and bed-headed smiles after a good rest can do wonders for their mood.

Sometimes, no matter how rough the day has felt, we just need a good reset in the form of rest. Sleep is a chance to dream, rest, and reset. Your energy reserves are replenished and body renewed and, in the eyes of a child, it’s a blank slate for a new day. Sleep and the fresh start it brings can offer you the endless potential to explore the world anew in mindful ways.

Embrace potential (and your friends)

Once you’re ready to face that fresh potential, embrace it like a child. Kids are the embodiment of inspiration when it comes to fearlessly moving toward the possibilities they believe in. Embrace that spirit with each potential that excites you, and open yourself up to the possibilities it presents.

That same openminded, openhearted pursuit applies to friendships as well for children. When did we stop hugging our friends, or holding their hands when they need some support? Before COVID, this was rare. Now, it’s not really something we do at all, and we aren’t better for it. Affection between friends is a long-lost artform of filling our very human desire for touch and affection in simple and consensual ways.

The duality of an embrace is intentional here because, for children, it often arises from the same place. Kids have the ability to see something they want or recognize when something is lacking and strive to support others. While it won’t be true of every child, just as it’s not for every adult, little people are more capable of recognizing where a touch can offer such beautiful validation in a grounding moment with friends.

Children can offer us a storybook of new perspectives on not just our lives, but ourselves and the world in which our stories play out. Though we might find ourselves frustrated or baffled by the way the little ones in our lives interact with the world, they’re likely the ones who belong in a teaching role here.

Today, if you can, spend some time in a safe environment where you can take a backseat to teaching your kids how to receive the world and instead, become a student of their sparklingly complex lessons just waiting for us to receive. Our children have a world within them, and when we embrace our own ability to capture that perspective, we may just find we hold worlds of our very own.

Whether you’re learning lessons about life from your kids, or you want to schedule time to learn from one of our licensed therapists, Pure Health Center is here to support your wellness in every way, shape, and form. Connect with us today to learn more about starting your own therapeutic journey.

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